School is not just a building_

ORGANISERDom Pokoju” Foundation.
PARTICIPANTS: teachers, directors, members of the Polish board of education
DATE: 08.11.2021
MODERATOR: Joanna Jurga

In autumn of 2021, I was the first speaker during the conference organised by the initiative Dom Pokoju Foundation. The subject of my presentation was the role of each specific sense in experiencing spaces and designing the sense of security. What is the 4xC rule (the letter C here stands for the initial letter of four Polish words: – cicho, cieplo, ciasno, ciemno – calm, warmth, snugness and darkness) and how can we implement it in our everyday life so as to improve our comfort of living? Should we be jealous of animals of their echolocation skills?

I invite you to listen to my presentation here:


Plebiscyt Noizz Zmiany

ORGANISER: Plebiscyt Noizz Zmiany
FORMAT: a competition awarding the most interesting and most useful innovative initiatives, organisations and activities which aim at improving the world.
DATE: 2022

I was a member of the Chapter of Changes in the role of an expert in the category: Design and Architecture. In this category the awards were given for the most interesting and responsible commercial initiatives in today’s market.In my conversation with the editor of Noizz, I explain what criteria were used by me to assess the submitted projects and what changes we should make in services and products released to the market.


ARTYKUŁ:  Building and designing schools that support students’ well-being / Budowanie i projektowanie szkół, które wspierają dobrostan uczniów (J. Puchalska, J. Jurga)


Amongst other things, in this article you will find out:

  • How to design a school that would cater for the needs of a particular age group and height range of pupils; 
  • Which cities in Poland and abroad introduce interesting, courageous and wise innovations;
  • In what way educational spaces can improve or hinder the sensory process of learning and one’s development?