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Technological responsibility

Technological responsibility

We live in a world where by using our smartphone – whose working memory is bigger than Saturn 5 which went to the Moon in 1969 – you can access any library in the world, read the latest scientific research results without leaving your house or learn any language of the world straight from a native speaker. Meanwhile most of us prefers TikTok, YouTube or any other social media.

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TV Let’s talk about chronotypes

TV Let’s talk about chronotypes

I’m always happy to have an opportunity to discuss in mainstream media the importance of good sleep and what influences it. It is my dream that one day the knowledge about sleep is common, accessible and obvious – as common and obvious as the very need of sleep.
In a short video I have summarised a few key tips which can improve the quality of sleep and regeneration.

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Exhibition: GOOD/NIGHT

Exhibition: GOOD/NIGHT

What does looking after a good sleep involve?

This is what the exhibition GOOD/NIGHT is about. This exhibition was presented during the Łódź Design Festival in 2022 and during this event one could see selected projects by the students of the School of Form at the SWPS University. The event was part of the course in Project Design, Materials Science and Design Research.

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Book “Sound Shelter” (“Szałas na hałas”)

Book “Sound Shelter” (“Szałas na hałas”)

In 2021, I wrote a book on creating a sense of security at home, in various types of spaces and in outer space. This publication is a summary of my knowledge with the most important conclusions which I arrived at after over ten years of experience as a researcher and designer.

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School is not just a building

School is not just a building

In autumn of 2021, I was the first speaker during the conference organised by the initiative Dom Pokoju Foundation. The subject of my presentation was the role of each specific sense in experiencing spaces and designing the sense of security

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Designing interiors

Designing interiors

I designed pre-schools, medical centres, multigenerational houses and flats for single mums. I was finding out about the needs of my customers with a large dose of curiosity and empathy to ensure that their interiors are not just a fashionable scenery but also a practical and safe haven.

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The Home of Tomorrow

The Home of Tomorrow

In 2020 I was a co-creator of the project The Home of Tomorrow. This project was IKEA’s initiative to create living spaces designed with regard to and functioning in complete harmony with the natural world.

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In September 2018 I was a commander of an analog space mission in Habitat LunAres which is an isolated station for astronauts reflecting at a scale of 1:1 the International Space Station (ISS)

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